Student Wellbeing
At JESS, everything we do for our community comes under the umbrella of Wellbeing. It sits at the heart of what we do and our vision for wellbeing outlines this:
“We are dedicated to Making A Difference, by authentically nurturing the mental health and wellbeing of our community, in order for them to thrive.”
What Wellbeing Means To Us
We believe that every person is unique and there is not a set level of wellbeing that everyone should reach. At JESS, we aim to discover the brilliance in every child; helping them reach their full potential as individuals.
In recent years, the interest in how schools might best support and develop wellbeing has grown exponentially. At JESS, we share a mutual understanding of what wellbeing means to us, and use a ‘Wellbeing Wheel’ to explore the different factors that influence and affect an individual’s wellbeing. These 8 indicators help us to discuss how members of our community are doing at any one point in time and help us to plan the care and support for their needs.
We believe that members of our community should be safe, healthy, active, achieving, responsible, respected, included, and nurtured in order for them to thrive.
How We Embed Wellbeing
As a school, we embed wellbeing into our daily operations and culture and successfully use wellbeing data to effectively plan for the individual needs of our community.
Through the different facets of school life, students and staff at JESS are provided with opportunities and experiences that enable them to:
- take part in activities that fulfil them mentally and physically
- have access to the care and support they need
- feel trusted to take ownership
- learn and develop with meaning and purpose
- feel included and embraced as a full member of the community
- know that they are listened to and that their voice counts
- feel safe and are comfortable expressing themselves
Community Voice
“JESS has a range of interventions to support students’ emotional well-being and mental health. Systems in the school, to both record and share information, are extremely efficient and effective. Consequently, students are well looked after and supported.”
– Wellbeing Award for Schools in partnership with The National Children’s Bureau 2022
“Parents appreciate the focus on the personal development of their children, as well as being kept fully informed about their child’s academic achievement.”
– Wellbeing Award for Schools in partnership with The National Children’s Bureau 2022
“Students have a strong sense of belonging as a result of positive relationships with teachers and school personnel. They support and encourage one another to achieve their potential in a safe environment.”
– KHDA 2019
“Students at JESS are highly motivated, eager and willing to learn. They display positive attitudes towards school and enthusiastically embrace the wide range of experiences available to them. They are consistently well-behaved, thoughtful and respectful of one another.”
– KHDA 2019
Always Guided by Our Values