JESS and the UAE
The story of JESS has grown in parallel with the history of the United Arab Emirates, with the school being established just four years after the founding of the country. Since then, our journey has been exceptional, with our community evolving and growing to match the ambition of Dubai to be a world city.
JESS truly is an international community, with 2,300 students, representing more than 70 different nationalities and speaking over 30 languages. We are conscious of our roots in Dubai, and are committed to respecting, promoting and living the values of the UAE, which align strongly with our own vision, mission, and values. We also nurture a strong sense of self; encouraging students to share and celebrate traditions and events from their own backgrounds in order to build a better understanding of themselves and respect for others.
The UAE government has been clear in its desire to be one of the leading countries in the world for education and this is commonly measured against international testing standards. JESS students have consistently surpassed the UAE National Agenda targets in PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS testing. The school engages with GL Cognitive Aptitude Testing (CATs) and GL Progress Testing in English, Mathematics and Science, with outstanding outcomes attained across all three schools.
The UAE National Agenda also focuses on reading and literacy in Arabic, English, Mathematics and Science. Skills sought are inference, interpretation and integration of information. Our libraries play an integral role in shaping and encouraging these skills outside of the classrooms with engaging projects and external visitors instilling the fundamental love of reading to all students.
Moral, Social and Cultural Studies (MSC) is delivered throughout the school curriculum to meet the UAE’s desire for students to be rounded and aware of their obligations to society. Students are taught to act with a strong moral compass and exhibit insightful knowledge, caring attitude and positive behaviour to make sense of the world around them and thrive as successful and responsible global citizens.
The UAE’s vision is to be an inclusive country is reflected in the JESS Inclusion, Wellbeing and Counselling teams who are well resourced in order to see this vision come to life. Students at JESS are treated and seen as individuals and support is offered to make sure that every child is given equal opportunity to flourish. The JESS community welcomes all students and we are proud to support learners from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.
Innovation is a core element of the UAE National Agenda and our students are taught to bring a design thinking approach to challenging situations. We recognise that not all answers are right the first time and through an ideation process we can discover the most appropriate solution for the situation. Innovation goes far beyond the use of technology and our students will be ready to face the dynamic experiences of the modern world.
Through the bespoke JESS Al Ajyaal (Future Leaders) Programme, our Emirati students are nurtured and supported to prepare them to take on roles in Emirati society and beyond, where they will have the tools to make a difference. Our Governor, Mr Ali Al Sayegh, is responsible for Arabic language teaching and Islamic Education, as well as taking a special interest in Al Ajyaal.
Always Guided by Our Values